Congratulations. You did it. You've found the website that will change your life. Why? Because it's changing my life. And it will change everyone's lives. But you're in on the ground floor. The ground floor of a building called SUCCESS. Take the elevator up to the penthouse. I'll be there. Waiting for you. In a suit made out of $100 bills behind a desk built from the bones of a Tyrannosaurus Rex sitting on a chair of diamonds. Yes, it's uncomfortable, but comfort is not the goal. What IS the goal?


Stare into the face of a child on the street. Ask him for directions to SUCCESS. This child doesn't know, because it is a child. It is an idiot. Resist the urge to kick this child in the throat, for it cannot help itself. It knows not what it does. It deserves only pity. But are a MAN/WOMAN. You have left childish things behind. You drink problems and piss solutions, you think pain is funny, and you play at a level so far above that stupid, pie-faced child that even your losses look like wins. What do you deserve?


You and me, both, compatriot. So join me here as I quest to become THE MOST SUCCESSFUL SCREENWRITER OF ALL TIME. Do you doubt that I can achieve this? I embrace combat. Fight me. Do you find my goals laughable? I, too, enjoy a laugh, and shall have a hearty one...OVER YOUR GRAVE. For you have revealed yourself, and your tombstone will proclaim your true nature: "Here lies a child." For those who recognize me as a fellow traveler, who can see from the steel in my eye and the grit in my soul that I am a man of destiny, take my hand. and let us walk together awhile, for our journeys lead to the same place...


Read samples of my feature and teleplay scripts on the WRITINGS page, along with some patently ridiculous short stories I wrote in my prosaic past. You can follow my screenwriting journey on the PROCESS BLOG, including reading up on my 2016 journey to attempt writing 5 screenplays within 1 year using a strict adherence to the methods laid out in Blake Snyder's book SAVE THE CAT. You can also read my thoughts on films in the REVIEWS section. I welcome feedback, for the road is long and lonely, and few survive the journey. But for those who do, I will see you there, in that sacred Valhalla, that Brigadoon, that land of milk and honey known simply as...